Diabetes is the villain that causes the maximum number of deaths in the country affecting a very large percentage of people in America. A few people are still at a loss to know the reason or the cause of this disease. There are few myths about the cause of this malady.

A few myths and real reasons are given here to keep the record straight so that we are not unduly affected by them. Though some reasons are unrealistic it is better for us to delve deep in to the causes of this disease which takes the toll of many lives at present.

Sound Baloney

There are different types of diabetes caused by different factors. Though it seems unrealistic and illogical a few people believe that diabetes is cased by an infection with a specific virus or bacteria. Another reason adduced is that exposure to food borne toxins or to cow?s milk as a very young infant where an un identified component triggers our auto immune reactions.

These causes are undoubtedly illogical, baloney, hypothetical and un- testified. Whatever may be the causes of diabetes, it is imperative that you go for doctor?s advice, consultation and diagnosis. A diabetician is the proper person to take care of it.

Real Reasons

According to medical science, common causes for diabetes are advanced age, obesity and physical in activity. Lethargy, an un healthy life style and sedentary habits contribute to the presence of this disease.

Very surely diabetes is caused by certain medicines. Pregnancy causes gestational diabetes. Damage to pancreas by some kind of illness affects the secretion of insulin. This damage is called Pancreatitis.

You should never jump in to any conclusion and run after a doctor for help. You should never believe in myths and hearsays which will not help you. You better consult the doctor and try to know more about the disease.