United States is contending with the herculean problem of diabetes which has affected seven percent of Americans and for some time nearly 20 million adults and children are its victims. This enormity of the affected numbers focuses our attention on the necessity of reversing the disease whether by traditional or not traditional methods.

Eating Elk Lessens Diabetic conditions

One way of reversing diabetes is to eat elk which has proved its effect in reducing the incidence of diabetes in native Americans, tribes and those eating meat from their bison herds had only one percent incidence of diabetes. The tribes, therefore have restored the elks. But studies have not yet confirmed this and it may take some more time to know the truth behind it.

Other means of reversing diabetes are avoiding sugar and grains slowly but surely and not abruptly, avoiding non depressant drugs, taking plant based fats, and nutrients like natural minerals. Herbs and spices can be taken to control blood sugar. Nutritional supplements can be taken to add to the list of natural cures. Most importantly exercise should be an integral part of any attempt to reverse diabetes.

It is encouraging to note that diabetes is reversible. It is so when the diet is controlled, medications taken, insulin administered and not depressed or obsessed that he is a diabetic. Taking insulin orally further heightens the chances of reversal of diabetes. With vigorous research under easy to find ways and means of reversing diabetes, the future is very bright with expectations of more solutions that will be of great interest. Even a little step in this direction will be extremely beneficial for man kind and it is the least that one can do for not letting diabetes go out of control and have a negative impact on your life.