Diabetes means very high blood sugar or glucose. Blood sugar is an absolute need for all activities of the body but too much of it is detrimental to the person?s health. Age is not a bar for diabetes and research is on even today as there is so much to learn on diabetes news stories are being released always.

Recent New Stories

According to research it is found that diabetes side effects are related to vitamin deficiency. Diabetes loose thiamine vitamin B1 from their bodies 15 times the normal rate of people. Thiamine is believed to prevent heart ailments and eye problems. So trials are now conducted to see if supplementing diabetic diet with thiamine could bring in normal levels.

Glycemic Index

Diabetics are advised to watch their carbohydrate in take in food. But now they say that glycemine index of food has a big impact on blood sugar levels. The glycemic index multiplied by the amount of carbohydrates shows the glycemic load of a particular food.
Another type Diabetic Gene

KIAA0 350 is another gene involved in Type 1 diabetes. Along with the four genes already known to researchers, they are close to the 15 or more genes acting together to cause Type1 diabetes. KIAA0350 produces a sugar protein found on the outside of immune cells and plays a part in many immune system functions.

New Medication for Diabetes

A new research medication that works differently from others is being tested. It restores blood sugar levels through control of blood sugar levels by controlling the levels of hormones. The testing is in its final stage and results are expected soon by next year.

More and more new diabetes stories are surfacing everyday indicating the maximum research being done on diabetes and the advances achieved. Watch diabetes news or access new websites on the internet for up to date information to keep abreast of diabetes information.