Diabetes and Exercise

People who are over weight is bound to get diabetes and people who are in the initial stages of diabetes can get immense benefits through exercise.

Diabetes and exercise are always complementary in nature, as exercise is known for reducing the blood sugar levels there by reducing the need for insulin.

A regular exercise is capable of strengthening coronary arteries and heart muscles there by reducing the risks of heart attacks and strokes.

Further, exercise also helps in toning up the muscles, strengthens bones, improve the sleep quality and help you to have a quality healthy life.

Reduced dependence on Medicines

When it comes to benefits, it is more common for all people and becomes more relevant when referred to diabetes and exercise.

For example, each and every exercise schedule will reduce your dependence on medication to certain extent and while you exercise you will lose or burn more of blood sugar there by reducing the need for insulin to do the same job.

A good planned cardio-vascular exercise can lower your heart attack and stroke chances due to the reason that during exercise your heart muscles will get strengthened and reduce the cholesterol level in your blood and the blood pressure.

How Walking can reduce the effects of diabetes

As you start walking, you will start shedding weight, tone up your muscles, and have a great relaxation of the entire body. Further, walking is also a stress buster and helps you to control your blood sugar level without insulin shots.

Resorting to regular walking may be difficult initially, but once you got used to it, you may even wonder why you didn t do the walking exercise earlier.

It will be more than sufficient if you can walk for at least half an hour in a day during morning and you must know your body capabilities and should never walk for great distance and for an extended period of time, as the same may not fit in the regular diabetes and exercise routine.

Can Swimming also be beneficial

Yes, the best form of exercise to burn more calories and more of your body s blood sugar is swimming. Swimming is a wonderful form of exercise that can be followed by all people in all age groups.

Allocate at least 30 minutes in a day for swimming, as swimming is one single exercise for toning up almost the entire body. To start with, you can swim in shallow water depths and slowly increase your timing to suit to your personal needs and requirements.

You can find swimming pools that are open through out the year and you can even get enrolled in physical therapy centres so as to have access to pools all through the year.

Exercise and Quality of Life

As you start exercising, your will start flexing your tense muscles that can give you a peaceful night sleep and greatly enhances your thinking power during the day. The exercise is a very good stress buster and toxin remover and hence when your body is devoid of any toxins, you tend to think smart and put forth all your abilities in a more organised way.

The benefit doesn t stop with that food that you eat will be tastier than before, the colours that you see will be brighter than before, and you will feel satisfied, content and happy always.

Once you start understanding the relation between diabetes and exercise, then you will be in a better position to control your life and lead a more meaningful healthier life.

[tags]Diabetes, Exercise, Blood Sugar[/tags]