Nobody is in fact interested to discuss about Diabetes complication, as many people shun the very topic itself for obvious reasons.

If you or any of your close friends is suffering from diabetes complication, then it will be a nice idea to keep your cool and calm and follow your doctor s prescription without fail.

In any diabetic condition, if the precautionary measures are not followed scrupulously, then the situation may even lead to fatality.

Diabetes Complication and its Effects

Diabetes complication is a constant phenomenon and never changes with change of time or situation. It is a resultant condition from a bundle of accumulated complications over a period of time.
For example, if a diabetic person takes care to maintain the blood sugar level well within the prescribed limits, then the person need not bother about the diabetes complication at all.

Discipline is key in any diabetes management and one need not get bogged down by the effects of diabetes if the person can control the blood sugar in a systematic manner.

Well, the person may take necessary precautions to avoid the diabetes complication, but what if the patient is already under the influence of diabetes complication? The after effects of diabetes complication will start showing its tentacles first in damaging the blood vessels.

The damage can well be divided into two categories – small blood vessels disease complications and large blood vessel disease complication.Small blood vessels disease complications are known to create a further deterioration such as necrosis, partial or complete blindness, and even a lesser-known complication of renal failure.

Further, the necrosis may even lead to amputation of limbs and in the case of renal failure, the patient may need a kidney transplant or may have to depend on dialysis for life.

Large blood vessel disease complications are also known for generating more complications such as strokes, peripheral and ischemic heart disease. In case of peripheral heart disease the patient may develop untreatable ulcers that may even lead to amputation of limbs.

In the case of ischemic heart disease, the condition may trigger heart attacks due to the reduced or blocked blood supply to the heart muscles. And this is the main cause of many deaths in western countries today.

The resultant ischemic heart disease from diabetes complication may be the last stage, as there are no known treatment methods that can make the patient survive this disease.

Want to Live, then Change

Never wait till the condition turn to be worse. If you are diagnosed with diabetes complication, then change your life style immediately so as to avoid any further complications such as blood vessel diseases.

It is better to change your life style and lead a quality life instead of losing your vision or one of the limbs and lead a very miserable life.