It is quite normal for doctors to recommend a low-fat diet to type 2 diabetics and if you are a hapless victim of the dreaded type 2 diabetes then you should also strive to get your body weight reduced to a maximum possible extent. Though the diet you follow initially is all good, you should ensure that the chosen one is effective for a long time to help you to keep your blood glucose level under check consistently.

Immediately on getting diagnosed for diabetes, it is natural for people like you to ask three basic questions such as whether your existing diet is enough for supplying all the required nutrients, whether the newly chosen diet is good enough on a long run and whether the chosen diet will help you to lose weight and keep the glucose level under check? If you could get the answer for the above three basic questions, then probably you have on your hand a comprehensive mechanism to fight your diabetes.

Keep a Watch on What You Eat

Once you set your mind to explore and get to know the various dietary options from the various books then you may probably get confused in the place of finding the right one because virtually there is no end to such kind of publications and opinions. However there are few very basic and sound dietary facts that can help you in your fight against diabetes for a long period and you can find them below:

Prefer to Choose No-fat or Low-fat Diet

What you need for your day to day functioning are calories and not fat. Hence, be choosy while deciding your diet that is with low or no fat in it. Further, you must also watch for the carbohydrates that go into your system. Never over eat any high carbs in an anxiety to subside your satiety and you can also ask your doctor for certain types of beneficial fats.

Choose a High Protein Diet

A diet that is rich in protein and low in carbohydrate is always preferable if you are a diabetic. In the absence of fat, you may tend to consume more of carbohydrates and hence you should note to take more of protein to balance your body s energy requirement. Further, in the pretext of taking more protein, you should also never end up in taking more of meat that has got more of saturated fats, which is again a detrimental aspect for diabetics.

Avoid Low-calorie Diets

At the first instance never resort to any low-calorie diet, as the same can rob you of your vital nutrients and make you a victim of some other complications. Though a low-calorie diet is a healthy option, it is not so for a diabetic and you may end up losing your health drastically due to a cut in essential nutrients and minerals. If you happen to follow any low-calorie diet, then you may feel and look emaciated and live a life with reduced energy levels.

And once you stick to your low-cal diet for a long time, then you may probably may not be able to return to your original pristine healthy state, as your body s natural defense mechanism will resort to a survival mode and make you suffer from unwanted and unwarranted complications.

[tags]Poor Cardiac Function, Ketones[/tags]