Diabetes is always associated with certain drugs and procedures like insulin shorts, blood sugar monitors and other medicines. In spite of all these, health professionals and researchers are trying their best to cure diabetes or at least manage and control the disease and help patients? live normal happy life.

Commonly Prescribed Medications

Actos is one such commonly prescribed medication, a once a day insulin sensitizer helping to increase your body?s sensitivity to insulin. In other words a daily dose of Actos strengthens the body?s insulin and makes it more effective. This helps in managing your diabetes and insulin levels.

It is available in three dosages-15 mg, 30mg, and 45mg. People mostly take 30mg and 45mgs dosage. As this drug is costly it is better to have health insurance to cover the cost of prescription drug expense.

Another commonly prescribed oral diabetes drug is Amaryl which should be taken once a day. It is considered to be sulfonylurea and works mainly on the pancreas to increase your body?s insulin production after meals to make your body use the glucose more effectively.

Amaryl is the most inexpensive drug for diabetes which can be split in order to adjust dosage according to the situation. Amaryl can be taken on an empty stomach or minutes before eating your first main meal of the day. It is guaranteed to work fast usually within 24 hours.
A fix medication oral tablet for instant management of diabetes is Avandaryl. It is composition of Avandia mixed with glimiperide, the generic name for Amaryl.

Discuss with your doctor for more information on these drugs and the one that suits you best. It s always better to discuss with your doctor first and decide on the best for your type of diabetes.