Diabetes, in which the body does not produce enough insulin to convert the glucose into energy required for the body activities, scares every one, specifically if it is Type 1 diabetes. But it is possible for a person to live for long and productive life even with Type 1 diabetes. But it is possible for a person to live for long and productive life even with Type 1 diabetes.

They must learn to live with that condition and see how it does not lead to further serious condition. An awareness of all aspects of the disorder and regular listing will help in caring for themselves and lead normal lives.

You have been Just Diagnosed

Don?t panic if you are diagnosed for Type 1 diabetes as the doctor will come to your rescue and give all information you require to test and care for yourself. By using a blood glucose meter you can measure your blood glucose level and see that it is normal. This is a crucial aspect for Type 1 diabetes people because very high or very low blood sugar level is very dangerous for them. But by knowing what to do if blood sugar levels shoot up or dive down they will be prepared to tackle any complications that arise.

Medications, Injections, Inhalers

Insulin injections are prescribed to control blood sugar levels manually. Follow the doctor?s instructions strictly. For very low glucose levels take a glucose shot or eat something with sugar. The doctor will however answer your specific questions on your specific condition.
The good news is that you have insulin inhalers which substitute the usage of syringes and needles. You may ask the doctor about this Type 1 diabetes drug.

As one with Type 1 diabetes, you have to look after yourself properly. If you are obese you have to lose weight and stop smoking if you are a smoker instantly. YOU should also be cautious regarding your alcohol in take. For a long and healthy life these precautions are indispensable. Through proper care, and following the doctor?s instructions it is not impossible to live successfully with diabetes and with a normal healthy life throughout your life span.