Gestational diabetes affects pregnant women and is dangerous to both the unborn child and its mother. All women with good prenatal care are tested for gestational diabetes and steps are taken to prevent complications and cure symptoms and effects of high blood sugar. Diagnostic advances have made gestational diabetes controllable. Every pregnant woman should get herself tested for gestational diabetes and other problems by a qualified and reputable doctor.

The cause

In gestational diabetes the pregnant woman?s body is unable to produce the required quantity of insulin to process the blood sugar level. Though the real and exact cause is unknown it is believed that certain hormones released during pregnancy block the production of insulin. People with family history of Type 2 diabetes and above 35 years of age are at the risk of contracting gestational diabetes. Their babies are either large or fat or abnormal.


It is the developing baby that bears the brunt of the high blood sugar levels which is the biggest concern with gestational diabetes. Though very high blood sugar level is bad, the mother will be free from it soon after the baby is born. But unfortunately the high blood sugar stunts the development of the baby. The infant will have a high birth weight and may develop heart and respiratory defects. There is also a risk of jaundice and hypoglycemia(low blood sugar) after birth. Uncontrolled blood sugar may result in the birth of a still born child.

Curing Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes cannot be cured but controlled during pregnancy. She should be educated regarding the diet she should take. Avoiding simple sweets and sugars, a well balanced diet with enough protein, fat and complex carbohydrates will bring down her blood sugar level. She should monitor her blood sugar level and get medical help it is becomes abnormal. Some time a lady has to take insulin shot during her pregnancy to supply what her body is unable to product. Granting that the blood sugar level is properly maintained, both the mother and child will not have any complication from gestational diabetes, to be sure.