Diabetes is one disease that does not have any cure and prevention is the best cure as of today. Diabetes is caused due to presence of high sugar in one s blood.

In diabetic condition, one s body system will not be able to break the blood sugar and the person may be in need of extra dose of insulin administered from outside to break the sugar build up in blood.

The person may also be in need for a special diet that would control the blood sugar level well within the prescribed limits. One should not depend on the signs but it is better to get one s blood tested through a diabetes blood test.

Reasons for Onset of Diabetes

Any normal healthy person will have an in-built insulin mechanism for breaking the blood sugar and the pancreas gland takes care of secreting the insulin hormone for the purpose.

In case of a diabetic person, the pancreas gland may not secrete insulin in sufficient quantities or the insulin so secreted might have lost its efficiency in breaking the blood sugar resulting in a steep accumulation of blood sugar.

In both conditions, the accumulated sugar in the blood will not get converted to glucose for providing the necessary energy to the tissues and cells. Hence, the diabetic persons will have a very high level of unassimilated blood sugar and the same can be tested easily with the diabetes blood test.

Three Major Types of Diabetes

The medical world has categorised the diabetes conditions into three types and all the three types of diabetes can easily be detected through the simple diabetes blood test.

Type 1 diabetes

This is also known as juvenile diabetes and is known to occur or afflict in childhood. When left untreated, this type of diabetes will turn out to be a potentially fatal disease. This type 1 diabetes requires frequent insulin administration from outside to augment the insulin supply in the body.

Type 2 diabetes

This type of diabetes is very common in grown up adults and almost 90 percent of the people who are diagnosed with diabetes fall under this category of diabetes.

This diabetes in known to affect adults and unfortunately people find it difficult to read the early signs that indicate the onset of this diabetic condition.

In recent times, this type 2 diabetes is on the rise due to the increased sedentary lifestyle of people coupled with consumption of junk foods. Further, many people in this fast age do not prefer to take up exercise and this attitude also contribute for the prevalence of type 2 diabetes in adults.

Gestational diabetes

Pregnant women tend to develop this kind of diabetes and this kind of diabetes is temporary and the effects also cease after the delivery of child.

Common Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes

Presence of diabetes in a person may manifest in many ways. A diabetic person may feel regular unsatisfied thirst, may urinate frequently, develop a blurred vision all of a sudden, feel fatigued very easily without any valid reasons, and may lose weight constantly.

Few studies also suggest that type 2 diabetes is capable of making men impotent. Whenever you have a doubt or when the sings indicate the presence of diabetes, it is better you take a diabetes blood test to get the confirmation and to start the treatment earlier.

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