The causes of diabetes are based on the type as there are more than one type of the disorder viz. Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1- the former is more serious, genetic in origin and affects children and young adults. It s cure is still unknown though the disorder is fatal. Its diagnosis is in conclusive without a blood test. Type 1 diabetes prevents the natural production of the hormone insulin in the pancreas, a leaf shaped structure concealed in bowels of the abdomen. Body cells are unable to access glucose for energy, in the absence of insulin, from circulating blood. Thus they interrupt the normal functioning totally.

As diabetic is genetic it is impossible to trace the causes for it presence in the individual. In such cases artificial insulin is injected in to the blood as a drug. As excess insulin is equally harmful s too little, it has to be calibrated with care with diet and exercise. As children are affected with this type its management becomes difficult and complicated. The possibility of taking insulin all through one?s life is really frightening. Nevertheless doctors have avenues to ensure all productive lives.

Carelessness-is the cause of Type 2 diabetes

An unholy combination of obesity, sedentary habits, bad eating and drinking habits cause this Type 2 diabetes. Insulin, in small scale, produced in the pancreas is unable to use energy in the form of fats, sugar and other sources. Doctors can say who are likely to contract type 2diabetes. People who change their diet and life style are exempt from the onset of the disease indefinitely. Temporary type 2 diabetes caused by pregnancy and acute illness is corrected automatically when the body becomes normal. But even these transient spells are harmful and can be avoided.

Diabetes research has been conducted since a major part of the last century to unravel it causes. Though easiest to manage, much depends upon patients and families. Complications develop when the prescriptions are not followed strictly. Lack of awareness, knowledge and want of public health infrastructure come in the way of early detection. In their first stages both the types are silent or concealed but well advanced by the time the person detects that some thing is wrong.