The very key for a successful diabetes management lies in your healthy lifestyle and in your resorting to a carefully selected diet. Further, when you undertake an active lifestyle with supportive medications, you can certainly keep the ill effects of your diabetes at bay and lead a near normal life.

In your pursuit of looking for proper diet and meaningful methods to keep away the diabetes related complications, you may come across many suggestions, but many of them may not throw sufficient light on the easily available natural resources that you can find in your own kitchen itself. Mother Nature has given you many useful herbs for maintaining your health and this article will essentially try to throw more light on four main ingredients or the natural foods that can assist you in your fight against diabetes.

Banaba Leaf: When it comes to treating diabetes, the role of banaba leaf is virtually inseparable, as it contains a natural chemical by name corosolic acid that has been proved to hasten the process of glucose absorption by cells and thus preventing the path of glucose into your bloodstream. The required quantity of the banaba leaf is a meager 48 milligrams per day and you can use the herb directly, but the oil extracted from it is more efficient as it is easily absorbed into your system.

Garlic: Garlic is a yet another natural food stuff that can do wonders in your diabetes treatment. Further, garlic is also known for its efficacy in lowering your blood cholesterol and triglycerides, and for the diabetics it can bring the blood pressure to normal, which is a prime requirement for managing your diabetes successfully.

You can find garlic in front of you in your won kitchen and you can also freely buy them from your friendly neighborhood grocery stores. Whenever you decide to settle for garlic supplements, then note to take a quantity that will suffice a large clove of natural garlic so as to derive good effect. Garlic cloves are relatively cheap when compared to prepared supplements and you can consume the cloves either after roasting it or cooking it or even after mixing with your favorite salads or other dishes.

Fenugreek: It is a yet another herb known for its beneficial use in diabetes management. This herb has got soluble fiber in ample quantities and thus helps diabetic patients to derive the much-needed fiber for better glucose absorption.

Essiac: This is in fact a combination of four herbs namely slippery elm, Indian rhubarb, roots of burdock and sheep’s sorrel. Essiac is also in use as a treatment for cancer for almost a century from now and it is known for its property of lowering blood sugar in a person. Further, essiac is also a viable alternative for medications used for treating type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

[tags]Arteriosclerosis, BMI[/tags]