You are pregnant and are looking forward with anxiety to see your child. And in such a wonderful situation your diagnosis for gestational diabetes may hit you like a bolt from the blue.

Do not get scared. There are many ways and means with which you can handle your gestational diabetes and give birth to your child without any complications. Do not allow the fear of diabetes suppress all the wonderful situations that you may undergo as a prospective mother.

When and How the Gestational Diabetes is to be Diagnosed

Majority of the doctors recommend and test for presence of gestational diabetes after 24th week of pregnancy and the test has to be carried out before completion of 28th week. Only during these period the hormonal activities will be at its high and the pregnant women will tend to acquire insulin resistance.

Further the demand for insulin by the developing fetus also aggravates the situation leading to accumulation of sugar in blood for want of sufficient quantity of insulin. It was calculated that a pregnant woman would be in need of three times of original requirement for insulin starting from 24th week of pregnancy.

Once the presence of gestational diabetes is confirmed the doctor will advocate a strict regime of physical exercises and prescribe a healthy gestational diabetes diet plan that will help both the pregnant mother and the unborn child to maintain a healthy status and to avoid any effects of the disease.

The gestational diabetes should not be taken lightly and utmost importance is to be given in following the laid out guidelines and precautions and any deviation may be detrimental both to the mother and the unborn child.

Can Gestational Diabetes Diet Plan ward off the Disease

One can fight diabetes efficiently with just one important tool of diet . Many medical research studies has proved that a carefully and thoughtfully prepared gestational diabetes diet plan can have an effective control over the sugar in blood and the diet can be highly beneficial both to the mother and the child.

While taking care to follow the carefully designed gestational diabetes diet plan the woman also should try to break the diet schedule into many portions or parts and consume the food items. This can give an advantageous position for the mother to maintain the blood sugar level and as there will be sufficient gaps between two meals the sugar level also will not shoot up instantly.

Besides your regular requirement of glucose for energy, as a pregnant woman you may need additional glucose or energy for the growing fetus. Hence it is necessary for you to give sufficient time for the pancreas gland to carry out its job efficiently and give the necessary energy.

The simple technique of breaking your breakfast into many tiny portions can instantly help to control your sugar build up. But at the same time with an over anticipation do not allow your system to fall short of the glucose level at any stage as such condition will result in hypoglycemia and you may land into a different complication altogether.

[tags]Diabetes, Pancreas gland[/tags]