Diabetes is a serious condition where the body is incapable of converting glucose into energy. This may be the result of insufficient insulin produced by the pancreas which is impaired in its functioning. Diabetes symptoms develop slowly and steadily and may not be easy to detect. These include fatigue, abrupt loss of weight, and difficulty in vision.

Other diabetes symptoms include wounds that take a very long time to heal, frequent urination, and at night, thirst caused by loss of fluids, and excessive urination also. Any or all of these symptoms requires a check up by the doctor to see if they are symptoms of diabetes, specially if you have heart trouble, defective vision, numbness in the feet and legs. You must immediately get yourself checked up and diagnosed.

Type 2 Diabetes

It is common in some cases that the diabetics do not show any symptoms of diabetes. Type2 diabetes is such an example as it takes years to develop before it is finally diagnosed. It differs from person to person. Type1 and Type 2 symptoms are different from each other and in youth or young children take a few days or weeks before they surface.

In Type 1 diabetes there is a pronounced thirst, dry mouth frequent urination, loss of weight, feeling low and worn out trouble with vision with loss of focus. In Type 2 diabetes symptoms differ and include unhealing cuts and wounds itchiness of skin, abnormal thirst, frequent urination, and pain in the leg.

In gestational diabetes, another type of diabetes, the symptoms are excessive thirst, frequent urination, loss of weight in spite of good appetite, feeling low and worn out, feeling nauseous, vomiting and infections relating to vagina, skin and also to bladder.

Therefore a person has to be on his toes and test himself immediately to know if he is afflicted with diabetes. Then he can identify the type of diabetes he has been affected with by seeing the common or abnormal symptoms of different types of diabetes. It is important to understand that delay is dangerous in the case, especially of diabetes.