The moment parents come to know about their child s diabetes status, it will be a crestfallen situation for the parents.

A detailed study undertaken reveals that there had been a very significant increase in the number of child diabetes cases in the last three decades.

The study conducted by doctors also suggests that the main reason for such an increase in the number of child diabetes cases was mainly due to consumption of junk food by the younger generations.

Sedentary life style coupled with improper eating habits practiced by the younger generations make them obese and expose them to many diseases including the dreaded child diabetes.

In today s world younger generations prefer staying indoors and watching TV to playing any outdoor games and such a trend has contributed towards occurrence of child diabetes.

How to Identify the Signs of Diabetes in A Child

The classic signs or symptoms of diabetes are always similar when it afflicts children or adults. The most easily distinguishable symptoms are loss of weight, frequent urination, thirst, and fatigue.

In few cases of children, they may experience stomachache and headache and may get irritated even for small or trivial causes.

If any of the symptoms are noticed, as a parent you should not delay and immediately take your child to a doctor for diagnosis. In the case of your child diagnosed with the disease, do not lose heart and note to take up the treatment or prescriptions so as to contain the severity of disease.

How a Child Diabetes Diet can help your child

Though the universal remedy of getting insulin injected is there, the best way to control the diabetes is through the correct child diabetes diet. No remedy can come near the diet control option in curing or fighting the diabetes disease, especially if diabetes is diagnosed in children.

With the simple and easiest diet control any diabetic child can have a normal life like any other children of the same age group. In order to decide or formulate the correct child diabetes diet you may need the help of a trained and experienced dietician initially.

The first and important rule is that you should note to include all the required nutrients for a child s growth and note to provide the exact quantities so as to have an effective check over the availability of sugar in the diet.

Besides the act of preparing the diet, you should also keep a vigil in checking the blood sugar level of the child at frequent intervals and this could be a very big task.

You can depend on the so prepared child diabetes diet for an initial period of 12 to 16 weeks and evaluate the results with the help of the dietician and the doctor.

And over a period of time with many trial and error methods, you can decide on the perfect child diabetes diet that is suitable for your child for living a active healthy life devoid of any complications.

You may have to put in a lot of your efforts, your best interests and labour in finalising the child diabetes diet and once you corner in or find out the correct combinations, the diet will go a long way in improving your child s health and life.

[tags]Diabetes, Diabetes Diet, Weight Loss[/tags]